All roads lead to where we stand - it doesn’t matter what has taken place in the past, but what we do moving forward to reverse what we’ve done wrong.

Robert Scollo

About the author

Robert Scollo was born in 1958 in Caltagirone Sicily and migrated to Melbourne Australia in 1966 with his mother and two older brothers after his father passed away.

Robert is married with two children, one boy Matthew and one daughter Megan, who have both thankfully left home and are enjoying their own lives and new families. He currently has two grandchildren.

Robert is a Disability Support Worker looking after the needs of numerous disabled clients. He finds it rewarding as many of these clients have few or no family members or friends, feeling that he is giving back to the community, especially those who would otherwise be alone.

This is the author’s first novel, and he hopes that it inspires people to help one another as well. He still lives in Melbourne, Australia, and is in his mid-sixties.

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Book Trailer

This book describes one way we can make this blue planet, which is the only one we have, better for every living thing on it.

Why aren’t we focusing on the long-term survival of all living things in this world rather than causing our total annihilation?

The Meaning of Life

A story of love, sorrow, despair, suspense, and hope. A journey that shows how one young man can make a positive difference to all our lives.

James has just turned eighteen, and experiencing insurmountable tragedies leads him to examine the meaning of life. While attempting to take his own, something happens that changes the course of James’s life and gives him the knowledge to solve the world’s problems.

While change is in progress, terrorists threaten this miraculous change, giving the world forty-eight hours to agree to their demands. The chase is on, and they are hunted halfway around the globe, but will it be too late to stop them?

Although the story if fiction, there is an underlying message that could heal the atrocities that we have caused, not only to ourselves but every living thing on the only home we have, Earth.

Harnessing Power: A Tale of Tragedy and Triumph

“The Meaning of Life” by Robert Scollo, a gripping narrative that explores the profound impact of personal tragedy on one young man’s destiny. After losing his parents in devastating circumstances, 18-year-old James is driven to the brink of despair. At his lowest moment, he is mysteriously bestowed a powerful gift—the ability to influence others.

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